We are what our parents so lovingly call, the snark beasts. We are just 2 Boston Terriers enjoying our way through life.
My name is Chester, short for Chester Copperpot (Any Goonies fans out there?). I am 2 years old, and am the oldest by 2 months! And don't forget it! My interests include sleeping, eating, and chewing on anything in my way. Mom and Dad are very happy I've moved on from shoes and baseball hats. However, I still enjoy a taste every now and again. I love going on long walks, and I've never been to the beach but I'm sure I would enjoy that too. I love it when my mom puts her yoga mat down, as it makes for a nice place to rest, seeing as they got rid of the carpet in the house. I love when my parents go outside with us because I get as frisky as a puppy! I love when people come over or when my parents come home it makes me jump for joy!
My name is Piper, (short for The Pied Piper of Squiggleton). I am also 2 years old but I don't let my brother get away with anything! I'm as snarky as they come. When my parents brought me home I was kinda shy, however they had no idea what they were in for. I like to chew on things too but I make sure Chester gets ahold of it first, that way they never suspect me! (bwwhahahahaha) I like to take toys away from Chester, and I like to chase him also. I pretty much like to torment him, that's what little sisters are for right? I am very good an giving kisses! I mean come on...I am a Boston. My mom will say "kiss" and I will give her a kiss on the lips and it's not slobbery at all! I also am an addict. Hi...my name is Piper, and I'm addicted to getting scratched. I have allergies so when my mom or dad scratches me, it's the best thing in the world.
Well hopefully you will enjoy our blog, (we just figured out this technology thing) there will be more to come!